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Ankyloglossia and Other Ties

Speakers (Click for bio)

  • Peggy Kelly
    Dr. Peggy Kelley
    Peggy Kelly
    Dr. Peggy Kelley

    Dr. Kelley is a pediatric otolaryngologist currently in practice at Providence St. Vincent Hospital in Portland, Oregon. She is on the Executive Board of the Section on Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is also the current president of the Interamerican Association of Pediatric Otolaryngology. She presented a seminar on Ankyloglossia at the recent AAP National Conference with Shanna Harris and also speaks internationally on the subject of tongue tie and frenulotomy. Dr. Kelley's ankyloglossia was divided in the delivery room by the general practitioner who delivered her.

  • Shanna Harris
    Shanna Harris
    Shanna Harris
    Shanna Harris

    Shanna Harris is pediatric nurse practitioner in Otolaryngology in Virginia. She teaches and lectures nationally on pediatric ankyloglossia and breastfeeding.

Originally presented: January 21, 2025

For questions re: webinars or CE credit, please contact us at


* Dr. Kelley: No financial or non-financial disclosures.
* Shanna Harris: No financial or non-financial disclosures.


This one-hour intermediate webinar will provide current information regarding ankyloglossia, also known as tongue tie. It will include discussion of oral anatomy, related management terminology, current areas of debate, and frenulotomy techniques. It will also highlight the mother/baby dyad and collaboration with lactation specialists as key in maintaining optimal transfer of milk from mother. Target audience includes OT, SLP, PT, RN, MD and other healthcare professionals involved in infant feeding.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe the current level of evidence to support surgical intervention for ankyloglossia and other tethered oral tissues.
  2. Identify a differential diagnosis for breastfeeding concerns that may mimic ankyloglossia but should be managed non-surgically.
  3. Summarize at least one area of debate and need for research in ankyloglossia and other tethered oral tissues.

Timed Agenda
  • 1:00 – 1:05 Introduction
  • 1:05 – 1:20 Discuss the current level of evidence with anatomy for surgical intervention
  • 1:20 – 1:30 Identify breastfeeding concerns to treat non-surgically
  • 1:30 – 1:50 Summarize the areas of debate and need for research
  • 1:50 – 2:00 Question and Answer session

Instructional Method

Live webinar includes lecture, PowerPoint slides, handouts, question and answer session, learning assessment and course evaluation. On-demand webinar includes lecture, PowerPoint slides, handouts, recorded question and answer session, learning assessment and course evaluation.

Course Completion Requirements

The learner must view the entire webinar, complete the course evaluation, and complete the post-webinar learning assessment to receive education credit. Login and logout times will be recorded and documented.

Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Feeding Consultants is an ASHA CE Approved Provider of continuing education. This live webinar is offered at 0.10 CEUs, Intermediate, Professional level. No partial credit awarded. ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply ASHA endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

ASHA CEUs available for the live webinar on January 21, 2025 only.

Nursing: Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #16677 for 1 Contact Hour. Participant required to attend 80% of the activity to receive CE.

Dr. Brown’s Medical is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 11334. This webinar is offered at 0.1 CEUs, educational level, Intermediate. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.


For questions re: webinars or CE credit, please contact us at

For ADA accommodations, please call: 844.967.6767

Cancellation policy: If Dr. Brown’s Medical is unable to provide webinar at stated date and time, the registered learner will be notified via email of rescheduled date. Contact us at to review the course cancellation policy.